News & Blogs


High Stakes Assessments vs. Reflective Journaling

Jordan C. Grasso, School of Social Ecology   Professors across disciplines often rely on high-stakes summative assessments in multiple-choice or short-answer exams or lengthy final papers. However, these assessments negatively impact students’ ability to learn...

laying down in front of a lake
Director's Blog

Take a Moment for Wellness

School's out, and for me this summer means a moment to step back and just be. I tend to focus on my productivity as a measure of my worthiness, but oh man did the pandemic blow that idea all to bits. I may have to say it in the mirror ten times every morning, but I...

stack of pebbles
Director's Blog

Finding Balance

It's a new month so I decided it was time for a new me. I have literally cut my hair once since 2020, so away to the salon I went. In the chair, I happily exclaimed "Chop it all off!" to which my hairdresser responded, "And would you like me to color your gray...


Gamification and the Classroom: A Short Review

Christopher Chacon, School of Humanities In this short review, I will consider the role student motivation plays in the effectiveness of gamification as well as the role gamification plays in enhancing student participation and knowledge retention. I will also...