Pedagogical Liaisons Program

The Pedagogical Liaisons Program is a flexible program that serves two goals a) to provide graduate students with an opportunity to fill a service need to the department, school, or university and b) to receive hands-on experience with pedagogy in action. 


The Pedagogical Liaison program provides an opportunity for graduate students to explore an aspect of pedagogical interest (e.g., course design, teaching training) while serving the UCI campus community. Furthermore, graduate students who complete the program are fast-tracked to the interview stage of the Pedagogical Scholars application if they apply.

How to Apply

We accept applications year-round. Before applying to the Pedagogical Liaison Program, applicants should identify a plan for completing the required ten hours of service (see the section below for ideas) as well as consider how the Program will help applicants further their career goals. If applicants intend to direct their pedagogical service outside of the DTEI, we recommend that applicants discuss and/or confirm their ideas with their department, school, and/or faculty collaborators before submitting an application. To apply, please download and complete the application form: Pedagogical Liaisons Application


Selected candidates provide 10 hours of pedagogical service to their department or school. To satisfy the 10-hour minimum, candidates can:

  • Facilitate pedagogy workshop(s) for their department or school
  • Assist a Pedagogical Scholar (PS) with the design and facilitation of the two-day TA Professional Development Program. Contact Alex Bower ( to check if a PS in your field needs assistance.
  • Assist with facilitating 390X and assessing assignments
  • Serve on a teaching committee
  • Design a course
  • Conduct peer observations & teaching consultations
  • In addition, we will consider other creative ways to meet the 10-hour requirement.
  • Graduate students and post-doctoral scholars who complete University Studies 390X or earn the Certificate in Teaching Excellence can apply for the Pedagogical Liaisons Program.

Once the 10 hours of service are complete, participants submit a Reflection Paper to complete the program.

If you have any questions, please contact Alex Bower (