University Studies 390X

Thank you for your interest in University Studies 390X: Developing Teaching Excellence! This pedagogy course meets for three hours once a week during Fall quarter. It is S/U graded and may be taken for 2-4 units with no difference in workload.
Goals of the Course
The goal of this Developing Teaching Excellence course is for participants to expand their expertise in teaching in higher education. A major component is building an interdisciplinary community in a respectful, collaborative, and challenging environment.
After completing the course:
- Participants will earn the Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (CIRTL) Associate level certificate and the Certificate in Course Design.
- Participants will also create a syllabus and contribute to the field by contributing a blog post to The FLIP’D Blog.
- Graduate students will be eligible to apply for the Pedagogical Scholars Program.
- All participants will be making progress towards earning the Certificate in Teaching Excellence (CTE). To earn the CTE, participants need to be observed three times and observe others three times. Note: these additional observations do not need to be completed in the same quarter as 390X.
To enroll
Interested graduate students may enroll online through WebReg, and post-docs and faculty should e-mail Alex Bower at for auditing information.
Course Learning Outcomes
After successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Discover, analyze, and discuss fundamental pedagogical research.
- Identify, evaluate, and develop effective teaching practices.
- Practice peer review of teaching with effective strategies for giving and receiving feedback.
- Participate in a learning community with fellow students and DTEI.
Topics Covered In This Course
- Icebreakers and Introduction to Pedagogical Research
- Neurobiology and Learning and Memory and Student Learning Outcomes
- Lesson planning, Active Learning, and Instructional Technology
- Inclusive Teaching and Universal Design for Learning
- Collaborative Learning and Group Work
- Assessment and Course Design
- Discipline-Specific Pedagogical Topics
- Introduction to CIRTL (Teaching as Research)
Emphasis on Information Literacy: FLIP'D Blog
At the Division of Teaching Excellence and Innovation (DTEI), we strive to keep up-to-date on research and best practices in pedagogy. To that end, our new blog project allows participants in 390X the opportunity to synthesize research and experience into informational articles. Below are some of the latest articles we have published. For a full list, click here!