by DTEI Blog | May 6, 2022 | 390X
Christopher Chacon, School of Humanities In this short review, I will consider the role student motivation plays in the effectiveness of gamification as well as the role gamification plays in enhancing student participation and knowledge retention. I will also...
by DTEI Blog | May 4, 2022 | 390X
Claire Freimark, School of Biological Sciences Introductory undergraduate science courses can be intimidating. Large class sizes, long lectures, and cumulative exams can lead to high stress levels, poor student attitudes, and low retention rates in STEM majors. Many...
by DTEI Blog | May 4, 2022 | 390X
Alisson Rowland, School of Social Sciences The US’s poor welfare infrastructure, combined with the devastation of Covid-19, has perpetuated racist educational inequities (Kyeremateng, Oguda, Asemota 2022; Johnson-Agbakwu et al. 2022). Sonya Douglass Horsford,...
by DTEI Blog | May 4, 2022 | 390X
Karma Rose Zavita, School of Social Ecology Big universities are the most likely to have large lecture-style classes and as a result of the labor involved in managing these courses, there has been an increase reliance on the use of Teaching Assistants (TA’s). One...
by DTEI Blog | Mar 11, 2022 | 390X
Talin Abadian, Department of Drama Theatre history courses are generally offered through survey courses where future theatre professionals are exposed to essential historical knowledge and vocabulary (Smith et al 113). Yet even though these courses are often...
by DTEI Blog | Mar 11, 2022 | 390X
Katherine Karayianis, School of Social Ecology As a child growing up with a disability, I often heard the word “universal design” thrown around by my mother at every IEP meeting. I remember her begging my teachers to use these universal teaching strategies to not only...