The flip’d blog
Welcome to the Future Leaders in Pedagogy Development (FLIP’D) Blog! Created by Matthew Mahavongtrakul in 2019, each post synthesizes current relevant research, as well as anecdotal experience from the authors. In our Developing Teaching Excellence (University Studies 390X) course, participants explore primary research and best pedagogical practices. Part of the course includes a capstone project, where each participant generates teaching resources. After choosing a teaching-related topic, they write a short blog post. We also have DTEI Travel Grant awardees attending conferences who write articles about their experiences and what they learned. To explore the articles by topic, click on the topic links below or scroll further for a snapshot into articles for each topic.
If you were enrolled in 390X and would like to contribute more articles, please e-mail Alex Bower at for instructions.

Here are our latest posts:
Implementing Flipped Classrooms into Law School Pedagogy
Conor Gómez, School of Law Welcome to Law School. All your hard work wooing professors to write encouraging letters of recommendation and studying for a standardized test that supposedly predicts performance in the first year of law school is finally over. Now the...
Increasing Student Autonomy and Engagement in Biology Education at the Undergraduate and Graduate Level
Lianna Fung, Developmental and Cell Biology A typical traditional biology course at the undergraduate level is primarily lecture and a few exams. Lecture time is often only broken up periodically by a few iClicker questions or a few brave students who dare to ask...
Teaching and Mentoring URMs in STEM
Angeline Dukes, B.A., Department of Neurobiology & Behavior While navigating higher education can be challenging for everyone, it is especially daunting for those who do not see themselves represented in the textbooks and classrooms. Underrepresented minorities...
Accommodating the Type 1 Diabetic Student
Morgan Coburn, Department of Neurobiology and Behavior *Please consult with your school’s unique medical support protocol for information on your institution guidelines for treating Type 1 Diabetes. What is Type 1 Diabetes? Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) is an incurable...
Phone-a-Friend: Tips for Designing Meaningful Collaborative Exams
Jaclyn Beck, Department of Neurobiology and Behavior Wait a minute. You want to test how much your students learned! Why would you want to give them a group exam? Perhaps a shift in perspective can answer that: Aside from scoring a student’s performance, exams...
Helping All Learners Realize Their Full Potential with Universal Design Learning
Devontae C. Baxter, Department of Physics and Astronomy Debunking “School isn’t for me” I think that it would be fair to say that our modern educational system is designed to primarily serve students that are capable of passively absorbing and retaining information...
Questions? Please contact Matthew Mahavongtrakul at If you would like to keep in touch and receive email opportunities and additional resources, please fill out this form.