The flip’d blog
Welcome to the Future Leaders in Pedagogy Development (FLIP’D) Blog! Created by Matthew Mahavongtrakul in 2019, each post synthesizes current relevant research, as well as anecdotal experience from the authors. In our Developing Teaching Excellence (University Studies 390X) course, participants explore primary research and best pedagogical practices. Part of the course includes a capstone project, where each participant generates teaching resources. After choosing a teaching-related topic, they write a short blog post. We also have DTEI Travel Grant awardees attending conferences who write articles about their experiences and what they learned. To explore the articles by topic, click on the topic links below or scroll further for a snapshot into articles for each topic.
If you were enrolled in 390X and would like to contribute more articles, please e-mail Alex Bower at for instructions.

Here are our latest posts:
Should Music be Used in the Classroom to Help Students Learn?
Michelle E. Zuñiga, Department of Urban Planning and Public Policy To engage students, instructors have adopted a multitude of innovative learning activities. These activities include group work, flipped classroom, think, pair, share, and many more. Rarely, however,...
Promoting Student Agency and Learning Through Specifications Grading
Chris Woods, Department of Chemistry The current grading paradigm has been seldom challenged for a long time, and for many, leaves much to be desired. The assignment of grades can be a cause of trepidation for many educators. Many students feel that they do not earn a...
Preparing the Environmental Professionals of the Future: Backwards Design in Environmental Studies
Paroma Wagle, Department of Urban Planning and Public Policy Learning about sustainability, climate change, and environmental justice, the ‘wicked problems’ of the environment, is absolutely crucial for students, as they will not only go on maybe select careers in...
Taking Modern Pedogogy into the Large Classroom
Marc Sprague-Piercy, Department of Molecular Biology & Biochemistry The current thinking in pedagogy is moving away from the traditional classroom model. In the traditional classroom for large classes of undergraduates there is a clear plan. The students are given...
Adding the EPIC to Education
Emily M. Slonecker, M.A, Department of Psychological Science What is your first thought when you hear the word “icebreaker”? If your first thought is the sound of 200 students groaning in unison, you just might be an educator. There is growing body of evidence to...
How to Evaluate Individual Work Within a Group Project; Group-Individual Projects May Help!
Negin Sattari, Department of Cognitive Sciences Group Versus Individual Project Often students’ faces announce dissatisfaction when a group project is proposed during the first session of the class as a part of the final examination. The complaints are mainly coming...
Questions? Please contact Matthew Mahavongtrakul at If you would like to keep in touch and receive email opportunities and additional resources, please fill out this form.