The flip’d blog

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Welcome to the Future Leaders in Pedagogy Development (FLIP’D) Blog! Created by Matthew Mahavongtrakul in 2019, each post synthesizes current relevant research, as well as anecdotal experience from the authors. In our Developing Teaching Excellence (University Studies 390X) course, participants explore primary research and best pedagogical practices. Part of the course includes a capstone project, where each participant generates teaching resources. After choosing a teaching-related topic, they write a short blog post. We also have DTEI Travel Grant awardees attending conferences who write articles about their experiences and what they learned. To explore the articles by topic, click on the topic links below or scroll further for a snapshot into articles for each topic.

If you were enrolled in 390X and would like to contribute more articles, please e-mail Alex Bower at for instructions.

Here are our latest posts:

Gamification and the Classroom: A Short Review

Christopher Chacon, School of Humanities In this short review, I will consider the role student motivation plays in the effectiveness of gamification as well as the role gamification plays in enhancing student participation and knowledge retention. I will also...

Implementing Active Learning in Large-Enrollment Courses

Claire Freimark, School of Biological Sciences Introductory undergraduate science courses can be intimidating. Large class sizes, long lectures, and cumulative exams can lead to high stress levels, poor student attitudes, and low retention rates in STEM majors. Many...

Covid-19, Educational Inequity, and Student Outcomes

Alisson Rowland, School of Social Sciences The US’s poor welfare infrastructure, combined with the devastation of Covid-19, has perpetuated racist educational inequities (Kyeremateng, Oguda, Asemota 2022; Johnson-Agbakwu et al. 2022). Sonya Douglass Horsford,...

Implementing Curative Pedagogy in Teaching Theatre History

Talin Abadian, Department of Drama Theatre history courses are generally offered through survey courses where future theatre professionals are exposed to essential historical knowledge and vocabulary (Smith et al 113). Yet even though these courses are often...

​Questions? Please contact Matthew Mahavongtrakul at If you would like to keep in touch and receive email opportunities and additional resources, please fill out this form.