UC Online Award

The 2025- 2026 Campus Block Grant

UC Online has instituted a new funding model for course development where each campus is now responsible for managing the proposal and funding process. For the 2025-26 award cycle, UCI will consider course proposals that meet one of the 3 strategic needs

  • Creating an online course that strategically alleviates bottlenecks and supports timely degree completion.
  • Developing a hybrid course that reduces in-class time while demonstrating innovative pedagogical practices, such as alternative assessment design, student engagement strategies, inclusive teaching practices, etc.
  • Redesigning/refreshing a large online undergraduate course (200+ enrollment) that has already been approved by SCOC.



Academic Enrichment Funds of $1k, and
funding of a DTEI grad scholar at $5k


Up to 5-hours of media production service to generate instructional videos


Priority access to DTEI instructional support (i.e., office hours, workshops, etc.)


Up to 3 hours of dedicated instructional design consultation


  • A Senate faculty member, listed as the instructor of record.
  • Non-Senate faculty may co-submit a proposal with a Senate faculty member or on their own with a letter from the department chair confirming that the awardee will teach the course in the 2025-26 academic year.


  • The course must be offered in the modality proposed between Fall 2025 and Fall 2026. 
  • Provide a timeline for course development, where the bulk of the development is in the summer 2025.
  • Provide a description of how the course meets one of the 3 strategic needs
  • Provide a description of how a DTEI grad scholar will be integrated in the course development process.

UC Online funded Course Development Program elements

Attend a program orientation, and a monthly check-in meeting with the instructional designer between July and September 2025.
Work closely with the designated graduate scholar in course development (up to 180 hours) in summer 2025.
Ensure the developed instructional material, videos, and the course space meet the UDL principles and UCOP’s accessibility standards. 
Develop a mix of formative and summative assessments, with timely and meaningful feedback mechanisms to support student learning.
Leverage appropriate digital tools to motivate student engagement, including regular instructor presence, interactive activities, and peer-to-peer collaboration.
Open course access and share developed instructional content with the academic unit for potential future use if the granted faculty no longer teaches the course.


Submit your application online by March 30, 2025. For questions or assistance, contact the UC Online campus liaison, Megan Linos, at wlinos@uci.edu