Yuja Video Quiz

YuJa Video Quiz allows the instructor to enhance the asynchronous lecture video to be more active by embedding interactive questions. Instructors can add prompted questions to guide student learning and/or self-practice to pause, think and reflect while watching the video. It can be a graded assignment that can be used as a class participation. The instructor can also add a YouTube or Vimeo video and create a YuJa Video Quiz for students to practice while watching the video.

What is a YuJa Video Quiz?

YuJa Media not only allows you to create and archive your instructional videos but also provides learning tools to help faculty to monitor, analyze and assess students’ learning on the video. One of these tools is YuJa Video Quiz which allows instructors to embed check-in questions (different types of questions) or reflective pause questions within the video to engage with viewers and be interactive. YuJa Video Quiz can be provided as a self-assessment or as a graded assessment in Canvas. This feature enables students to actively engage with your instructional videos as it enables them to check their learning process (metacognition, Colette A. Daiute) by thinking and reflecting on the topic they just watched.

Why Use Yuja Video Quizzes?

Laptop with play button

Actively Engage Students

This tool allows instructors to engage students during asynchronous content delivery by building in an interactive component.

Question Mark on purple background

Check Students’ Learning with Prompted Questions

Adding check-in questions to video lectures help students go through some metacognitive reflection to check their learning while they are watching the videos. 

Thought bubble on orange background

Time to Pause, Think, and Reflect

Responding to content challenges students to evaluate their own understanding of the content. Simultaneously, check-in questions create an opportunity to correct content misunderstanding or misconceptions.

Sample YuJa Video Quizzes

YuJa Video Quiz

YuJa Video Quiz

YuJa Video Quiz - Immediate Right Answer

YuJa Video Quiz with the Provide Answer Right Away Feature

YuJa Video Quiz Fast Forwarding Disabled

YuJa Video Quiz with the Disable Fast Forwarding Feature

Guides & Resources

Getting Started Guides

For Instructors:

For Students:

Where to Find Help?

Technical Support and Consultation:

Additional Resources

Tutorial Resources: