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General Teaching Practices

DTEI shares research-based teaching strategies and suggestions to promote inclusive classroom environments and maximize student success. Check out DTEI’s best practices for teaching here.

Inclusive Teaching and Accessibility

DTEI promotes inclusive and accessible teaching practices to foster equitable learning environments at UCI. Check out DTEI’s tips for inclusive teaching and accessibility here.

Syllabus Design

DTEI offers faculty and instructors support with designing course syllabi. Check out DTEI’s best practices for designing course syllabi or request further assistance here.

UDL Course Development

Universal Design Learning (UDL) focuses on accommodating the needs and abilities of all learners and eliminating unnecessary barriers to learning. DTEI assists with developing courses according to UDL standards.

Canvas Template

DTEI offers templates to help faculty and instructors design Canvas spaces for their courses. View templates or request additional assistance with Canvas course design here.

Active Learning Implementation

DTEI supports the implementation of active learning strategies to increase student engagement, comprehension, and success. Check out DTEI’s best practices for promoting active learning here.

Online Student Engagement

DTEI offers advice, strategies, and resources to boost student engagement in online courses. Check out DTEI’s best practices for online student engagement here.

External Tools

DTEI supports a variety of external tools and technologies for course integration. Learn about the external tools, technologies, and other resources that DTEI supports here.