Certified Learning Assistants Program
If you are a faculty member or department liaison interested in incorporating LAs into courses, click here.
Learning Assistants (LAs) are undergraduate peer educators that work with students in the classroom setting to support and facilitate active learning in courses that are traditionally difficult or have high enrollment. LAs in the Certified Learning Assistants Program are unique because they are required to enroll in an LA pedagogy/training course concurrent to their first quarter as an LA. In most situations, LAs have taken the course (or a professor-approved, equivalent course) and have performed well in it. LAs are an important part of the instructional team. In the classroom, LAs support professors and graduate teaching assistants (TAs) with active learning- typically in the form of group activities or discussions. Outside the classroom, LAs meet, reflect, and plan course curriculum and student progress with professors and TAs on a weekly basis. LAs are not permitted to lead instruction (unsupervised), hold independent, administrative office hours, or perform any course-related administrative tasks, such as grading.

What do Learning Assistants actually do?
Learning Assistants are pedagogically trained to facilitate Active Learning during instruction. The main responsibility of an LA is to support their professor and TAs by assisting students engaged in Active Learning. LAs are expected to interact with students to facilitate collaborative activities and discussions. LAs are not expected to be content experts. LAs are trained to become learning experts. Undoubtedly, students will have many questions. LAs do not immediately respond to student questions or misconceptions with answers or explanations. Instead, LAs learn to guide students to their own conclusions at a metacognitive level. From an observer’s standpoint, LAs circulate the classroom, assist students that ask for help, and check for understanding with all students.
What is the Learning Assistant pedagogy/training course?
All LAs, new to the program, must enroll in UNI STU 176: LA Pedagogy during their first quarter as an LA. Once completed, LAs are certified and do not need to take the course again. It is a 2-unit, graded course that teaches LAs to be effective at facilitating active learning and collaborative group work. This training course is mandatory for all new LAs, and there are no alternatives or exceptions. While pedagogical theory is a focus of the course, its aim is to take that theory and put it to immediate practical use. UNI STU 176 meets once a week for Weeks 1 – Week 10. Currently, UNI STU 176 has four options and is offered in the Fall, Winter, & Spring Quarters. Visit the UCI Registrar for course schedules.
What are the Learning Assistants' weekly commitments?
The following list is typical for most courses. Actual commitments will vary by course and/or professor. Since course schedules vary from quarter to quarter, LA positions are determined on a quarterly basis.
- LAs attend weekly planning meetings with their professor and TAs (1 hour/week)
- LAs attend/support all lectures in their assigned section (3 hours/week)
- LAs are assigned to attend/support 2-4 discussion sections or 1-3 lab sections (2-4 hours/week)
- For Lecture-Only courses, some LAs will assist professors and TAs in their office hours
Learning Assistants Earn Course Credit
LAs in CLAP enroll in UNI STU 198: LA Mentorship and earn between 1-3 graded units. Lead professors are assigned individual UNI STU 198 sections and are responsible for managing and grading their LAs. Units earned are based on the number of hours/week that an LA is assigned to support in their assigned LA course. LAs earn 1 unit per 3-4 hours/week of assigned LA responsibilities. Traditional LA Positions earn 2 units of UNI STU 198 course credit.
How can I become a Learning Assistant?
Most LA positions are open by invitation only. Schools, departments, and professors are responsible for recruiting their own LAs. However, CLAP does assist with recruiting, when needed. If you’re interested in becoming an LA, contact the school, department, or professor for more information about their recruiting requirements.
Still have questions?
Please contact Josh Arimond, Certified Learning Assistants Program Coordinator, at jarimond@uci.edu.