DLI Spring 2023: Online Teaching
In response to the increasing faculty interest in online teaching, the Division of Teaching Excellence and Innovation (DTEI) is offering an eight-week faculty development program in Spring 2023, the Digital Learning Institute (DLI). The goal of DLI is to assist faculty in creating a quality online learning environment that embraces pedagogical excellence and enhances the student online learning experience.
The program is scheduled to be launched between April 10 and June 2, 2023. Any faculty interested in transitioning an in-person course or a “remote course” to a fully developed online course is welcome to Submit an Application before Friday, March 31, 2023. Faculty with proposals for significant updating of existing online courses will also be considered.
Program Highlights:
- Bi-weekly group instructional design consultation and support as needed
- Eight weekly cohort working meetings to exchange online teaching and course design strategies with the DLI alumni and the faculty peers attending DLI
- Assistance from a summer DTEI grad fellow to develop the course

The DLI Experience

Think about course structure to ensure alignment between objectives and course content

Implement instructional design and pedagogical strategies for course development

Explore various learning technologies and third party tools to promote student engagement

Acquire best practices for online teaching and cultivate a DEI-A learning environment

Rethink ways to evaluate and redesign your course to maximize student learning outcomes
The DLI Certificate Criteria
Join the Thursday Cohort Meetings
Meetings on Thursdays from 11:00 to 12:30 PM in AIRB 1030 to exchange online teaching and course design strategies with the DLI alumni and the faulty peers attending DLI
Complete the DLI Milestones
Design an inclusive course structure and navigation with learning elements, such as syllabus and assessments, to enhance the student learning experience
Course Design Showcase
Reflective Self-Assessment
Conduct a self-assessment to guide the course development process to be prepared to work with a grad fellow in summer 2023.