Director’s Blog

Director's Blog

A Bittersweet 2023

In typical new year fashion, 2023 will bring change, both exciting and challenging. As many of you have seen, 2023 is bringing a major change to me. I have accepted a new position as the Executive Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning at Montana State...

Wooden blocks saying thank you
Director's Blog

What Makes Us or Breaks Us

As we begin the work of pedagogical wellness in DTEI, there has been a number of reactions to the idea of wellness in the classroom. Much of this was expected on my part - there is a pretty consistent spectrum of buy-in from faculty when we present something new....

Director's Blog

Welcome Back!

It's a new academic year that hopefully comes with some fresh starts and a quarter without interruption. I hope summer was whatever you wanted it to be. Here's some highlights from my summer: The good: We spent a month in Washington state with family. I got to...

Wall saying punch today in the face
Director's Blog

Take a Moment for Wellness

School's out, and for me this summer means a moment to step back and just be. I tend to focus on my productivity as a measure of my worthiness, but oh man did the pandemic blow that idea all to bits. I may have to say it in the mirror ten times every morning, but I...

laying down in front of a lake
Director's Blog

Finding Balance

It's a new month so I decided it was time for a new me. I have literally cut my hair once since 2020, so away to the salon I went. In the chair, I happily exclaimed "Chop it all off!" to which my hairdresser responded, "And would you like me to color your gray...

stack of pebbles