Active Learning Institute

The next Active Learning Institute will be during Summer 2025. Registration will open at a later date. Space is limited to the first 32 faculty.

The Active Learning Institute (ALI) is a series of 8 sessions that support faculty in integrating active learning strategies into their courses. The ALI covers course goals, active learning activities and assignments, use of technology, and more. These interactive sessions give faculty the opportunity to practice techniques and design strategies that work best in their own courses. It is also an opportunity to discuss teaching and gain insights from faculty across the disciplines. Please note that the ALI is currently open to faculty only.

Passing the optional COPUS observations earns faculty the Certificate of Engaged Instruction as well as placement on the preferential scheduling list for reserving Active Learning Classrooms. As of Fall 2024, successful completion of the ALI also earns faculty the Certificate in Course Design.


Meeting information for Summer 2025 will be posted at a later date.

What will I learn in the Active Learning Institute and when?

Participants in the ALI will:

    • …review the literature underlying evidence-based practices;
    • …participate in, analyze, and discuss active learning pedagogical strategies;
    • …apply evidence-based practices in lesson design development;
    • …present sample active learning strategies and receive feedback in a supportive collegial atmosphere;
    • …complete the first step towards certification to teach in designated active learning classrooms.

The ALI has two parts: the first part is the preparation stage when participants are (re-)designing their curricula to integrate active/collaborative strategies; the second part takes place when the instructor is actually applying the strategies in the classroom.  During the second part, participants will be observed and given feedback on their implementation.  Successful completion of both parts provides the participant with their certification for preferential scheduling in Active Learning Classrooms.

Why have an Active Learning Institute?

Internationally, colleges and universities have been adopting student-centered pedagogies such as active/collaborative learning. Bolstered by the evidence-based research, UCI’s strategic plan has specifically called for more engaged instruction and learning; the campus has also invested in it by renovating existing classrooms, such as SE 101, AIRB 1030, and PSCB 140; in addition, UCI is building new active learning spaces such as those in the new Anteater Learning Pavilion.

How can I schedule a class in an Active Learning Classroom?

Faculty who have demonstrated a commitment to using active/collaborative teaching strategies will have priority access to PSCB 140, AIRB 1030, and all classrooms in the Anteater Learning Pavillion. Successful completion of both parts of the Active Learning Institute will certify faculty to use these rooms.

What if I already use Active Learning/Collaborative Learning Strategies?

Those faculty who have already been using Active Learning methods and strategies can apply to be certified through a consultation and observation by contacting the Matthew Mahavongtrakul at or completing this consultation request form.

Questions? Please contact Matthew Mahavongtrakul at If you would like to keep in touch and receive email opportunities and additional resources, please fill out this form.