About DTEI

The Division of Teaching Excellence and Innovation (DTEI) is dedicated to partnering and fostering community with faculty, graduate students, and postdocs to maximize students’ academic success through inclusive excellence. We accomplish this by cultivating equitable learning environments across campus through pedagogical development opportunities focused on integrating innovative, evidence-based, and inclusive teaching practices.

DTEI’s goals align with the Office of the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning (OVPTL) and Pillar 2 and 4 of the UCI Strategic Plan:

Pedagogical Training

Enhance pedagogical training for faculty, graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and staff by providing and developing certification, teaching assistant training, and fellowship programs.

Equity and Student Success

Partner with campus researchers to collect and disseminate data on evidence-based practices that the campus community can use to improve equity and student success.

Digital Learning

Promote equitable digital learning through evidence-based course design and utilization of digital technologies by the UCI community.


Emerging Educational Practices

Coordinate efforts to systematically align campus learning environments with current and emerging educational practices to maximize student success.

Culture of Inquiry

Evaluate the impact of DTEI programs and campus learning environments on both students and instructors, utilizing assessment data to further improve equitable teaching and learning on campus.

DTEI Leadership

Michael Dennin

Michael Dennin

Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning

Professor of Physics
(949) 824-7761, 6988
Jennifer Aaron

Jennifer Aaron

Associate Vice Provost & Chief of Staff

(949) 824-2279
Brian Sato

Brian Sato

DTEI Associate Dean, Professor of Teaching, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry

PhD, Cell Biology
(949) 824-0661
Daniel Mann

Daniel Mann

Executive Director

PhD, Cognitive Science
(949) 824-0117
Megan Linos

Megan Linos

Director of Digital and Online Teaching (DOT)

M.S., Instructional Technology
M.S., Positive Organizational Development and Change
(949) 824-9405
Constance Huang

Constance Huang

Interim Director, Academic Testing Center

(949) 824-4978
Matthew Mahavongtrakul

Matthew Mahavongtrakul

Program Director, Educational Development

PhD, Biological Sciences
Sabrina Solanki

Sabrina Solanki

Research & Program Director

Phd in Education Policy
(949) 824-5118
Iain Grainger

Iain Grainger

Director, UCI Media and OVPTL Communications

B.A., Communication Processes
(949) 824-7331

DTEI Staff

Arthur Aggabao

Arthur Aggabao

Admin and Business Coordinator

Division of Teaching Excellence & Innovation and UCI Media
(949) 824-3594
Thao Mai Nguyen

Thao Mai Nguyen

Program Coordinator

(949) 824-0625
Josh Arimond

Josh Arimond

Lead Coordinator, Certificated Learning Assistants Program

M.A., Education
(949) 824-1134
Alex Bower

Alex Bower

Educational Development Specialist for Graduate Students & Postdocs

PhD, Psychology
(949) 214-8593
Bo Choi

Bo Choi

Instructional Designer

M.A., Educational Multimedia
(949) 824-2886
Kameryn Denaro

Kameryn Denaro

Project Scientist

PhD, Computational Science
(949) 824-1398
Janet Divincenzo

Janet Divincenzo

Instructional Designer

M.A., Latin American Studies
(949) 824-1058
Theresa Duong

Theresa Duong

Pedagogical Wellness Specialist

B.A., Public Health
Ph.D., Public Health
(949) 824-3594
Leanna Fong

Leanna Fong

Grant Evaluator

M.A., Public Health
Veronika Rozhenkova

Veronika Rozhenkova

Research Associate

PhD, Social Sciences and Comparative Education
Fanny Tsai

Fanny Tsai

Instructional Designer

M.S., Instructional Technology
(949) 824-3809

Postdoctoral Scholar

Meaghan Mcmurran

Meaghan Mcmurran

Postdoctoral Scholar

PhD, Education Psychology
Anna Kye

Anna Kye

Postdoctoral Scholar

PhD, Research Methodology and Quantitative Methods
Xochilth Lopez-Salgado

Xochilth Lopez-Salgado

Postdoctoral Scholar

PhD, Education