Jan 6, 2023

UCI Faculty Academy for Teaching Excellence (FATE)

UCI Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Hal S. Stern recently announced the formation of the UCI Faculty Academy for Teaching Excellence (FATE) under the umbrella of the Office of the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning (OVPTL). FATE is an organization composed of UCI faculty who have demonstrated the ability to create learning environments that foster the growth of all students. FATE membership is a lifetime honor bestowed on individuals who support UCI’s educational mission and have been recognized by their peers as model educators. 

Through FATE, the OVPTL aims to create a lifelong community of individuals with a shared desire to promote student success. During their first year in the academy, FATE Fellows will tackle an education-focused project relevant to UCI’s campus community. FATE welcomed its inaugural class in November of 2022. Visit the FATE website for more information regarding the academy, including the faculty who compose the inaugural class.