Dec 13, 2022

Resources to Support Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in Teaching

The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has increased in classrooms to foster active learning and student engagement. As a result, digital literacy is becoming a critical component to ensure that pedagogy and curriculum serve the needs of all students—regardless of background or identity—while supporting their engagement with subject material.

A central mission of the UCI Division of Teaching Excellence and Innovation (DTEI) is to cultivate equitable learning environments across campus through the promotion of inclusive teaching practices and course design. With this goal in mind, DTEI has compiled several new resources to promote diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEI-A) in teaching. UCI faculty and instructors are encouraged to review these resources and consider integrating these strategies into their Winter 2023 courses.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Course Design Rubric (DEI Rubric)

The DEI Course Design Rubric offers best practice guidelines and instructional resources for creating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive teaching and learning environment. Originally created by the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Working Group of the UC Instructional Design & Faculty Support (IDFS) Community of Practice, DTEI instructional designers and grad fellows worked together to revise the rubric with UCI resources in Summer 2021. 

The DEI Rubric is organized into eight dimensions of course design, including topics such as syllabus design, student engagement, and equitable access. Start embracing inclusive excellence in teaching by taking advantage of the UCI version of the DEI rubric. Visit the DEI Rubric webpage to learn more and download this resource.

Inclusive Course Design Institute (ICDI)

The Inclusive Course Design Institute (ICDI) is a faculty-led professional development program overseen by DTEI. The ICDI is designed to support faculty in cultivating a culture of DEI-A in the classroom by providing pedagogical resources and encouraging faculty discussion in the areas of inclusive excellence, transparency in course design, accessibility, humanizing teaching, and pedagogical wellness.

The ICDI is a faculty-led six-week professional development program that will run in the Spring 2023 quarter. This program is designed in a flipped format, which will include self-paced Canvas content and in-person weekly meetings. The goal is to prepare faculty’s mindset to integrate inclusive teaching, accessibility, and digital literacy into their teaching. Peer coaches will also be available for consultation to guide faculty in reframing their course design. All UCI senate faculty and instructors of record between Summer 2023 to Spring 2024 are eligible to participate. Faculty teaching large enrollment (100+ students) or online/hybrid courses are particularly encouraged to apply.

UCI AccessibiliTrees

UCI Accessibility recently rolled out its AccessibiliTrees Badging Program to encourage UCI students, faculty, and staff to work towards creating content that is accessible, usable, and inclusive for all. AccessibiliTrees is a three-phase badging program designed to nurture intention, promote accessibility principles, and teach accessibility skills and techniques using available tools. 

AccessibiliTree badges can be earned by enrolling and completing various levels in the free Canvas course. Badges can then be shared in your email signature and on social media to show that you are committed to helping UCI’s Accessibility Forest thrive!

Explore the main UCI Accessibility website and the DTEI Accessibility webpage for additional resources. 

Additional Resources

Looking for more help with supporting DEI-A in the classroom? Then check out the many resources on the DTEI website or contact us for specific questions or to set up a one-on-one consultation. Many other units on campus offer resources on DEI-A, including: