Digital Learning &
DTEI offers office hours to help faculty address general teaching and digital learning related topics, such as adopting Canvas tools to enhance learning, formulating a new hybrid/remote teaching idea, implementing a third-party technology, and anything related to remote/online education, or teaching with technology. You can make a 30-minute appointment with an instructional designer for one-on-one consultation. If you need to cancel an appointment, please do so 24 hours in advance before the meeting to open the slot for other faculty. Please email for details.
For Canvas technical support (not related to teaching practices), please visit or contact the EEE Support team at
Make an Appointment to Talk About…
Teaching Strategies
Discuss remote teaching strategies and samples of effective online instruction
Best Practices
Explore best practices and guidelines for remote teaching
Content Development
Discuss remote content development such as lecture video creation & more
Assessment Development
Consider assessment development such as online exams, assignments, etc..
Canvas Design
Consult with an ID on your Canvas course space design and setup
Third-Party Tools
Effectively integrate third-party tools into your Canvas Course
Teaching Accessibility
Apply best practices in inclusive teaching and accessibility
Other Topics
Other topics related to teaching pedagogy and online course design