Faculty Funding &
Grant Opportunities
The Innovative Learning Technology Initiative (ILTI), established by UCOP in January 2013, is designed to meet UC campus needs for high-quality online courses. The Innovative Learning Technology Initiative (ILTI) is designed to meet UC campus needs for high quality online courses. The Initiative will enhance the educational experience and opportunities for UC students by helping them get access to high demand courses satisfy degree requirements and graduate on time. UC ladder-rank faculty, LSOEs, and LPSOEs are welcome to submit proposals as Principal Investigators (PI) for fully online courses.
ILTI RFP 8 (2019 – 2020)
- Fully online courses/sequence of courses needed by the campus ($70,000 – $80,000, depending on the number of requests from all of the campuses);
- Smaller awards ($10,000 – $15,000) to revise existing online or hybrid courses offered in summer only or revise currently offered only at the home campus to be offered during the AY;
- Tool awards: funds to develop a new tool and/or funds to explore the use of a/n new or existing tool in an innovative manner.
The California Education Learning Lab
In 2018, Assembly Bill 1809 established the California Education Learning Lab (“Learning Lab”) in order to increase learning outcomes and close equity and achievement gaps across California’s public higher education segments, particularly in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) disciplines.
Housed at the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research, the Learning Lab is part of California’s vision to grow and sustain a highly educated workforce that can meet the challenges of our changing world, whether it is combating the effects of climate change, ensuring a healthy population, or lifting communities out of poverty.
Grant Types
Innovation Grants
provides intersegmental faculty teams with large grants (approximately $1.0 million each) for development, implementation, and assessment of STEM educational innovations
Seed Grants
provides seed funding (approximately $100,000 each) for intersegmental faculty teams that are developing promising pedagogical/curricular innovations, but are in earlier planning stages. Seed grants are intended to help teams design and develop projects that may compete for Innovation Grants in future RFP cycles.
Professional Development Grants
provides funding (approximately $200,000 each) to intersegmental partnerships to support the creation or expansion of faculty professional development programs that contribute to improvement in learning outcomes or reduction in equity gaps in undergraduate STEM courses.