2021 Award Winner: Zeba Wunderlich
Zeba Wunderlich
Assistant Professor in Developmental and Cell Biology
Professor Zeba Wunderlich is the winner of the 2021 Learning Experience Design and Online teaching award. Without prior online teaching experience before the pandemic, professor Wunderlich demonstrated outstanding online/remote teaching excellence for the BIO SCI 97 Introduction to genetics course.
First, she provided a clear informative course website on Canvas to guide student’s learning. Not only did she lay out a linear learning path, but she also engaged students remotely by integrating both synchronous and asynchronous digital active learning activities to enhance student’s learning experience. Students are given a study roadmap with access to various formative assessments and mini assignments to reinforce the key learning areas. One of her students commented that “Dr. Wunderlich’s course was organized beautifully, and it made students excited to learn!”
Professor Wunderlich did not receive instructional design support or online teaching consultation when designing and delivering this remote course the first time. As a novice in online teaching, she has done an excellent job preparing and delivering this remote course. Her efforts in delivering a well-designed remote course with various active learning opportunities have played a vital role in supporting student’s remote learning, which is especially valuable during the pandemic.
2021 LEOE Award Winner: Zeba Wunderlich
2021 LEOE Award Congratulations: Megan Linos
2021 LEOE Award Congratulations:
Clark Lee Hendrickson
2021 LEOE Award Congratulations: Lee Bardwell
Award Review Committee
The 2021 review committee consists of by nine UCI students and five DTEI staff. We appreciate their dedication in reviewing the award applications and assisting in the process of identifying an award winner.
- Ali Al-Hakeem, Student in Physics and Astronomy
- Evelyn Cheng, Student in Computer Science
- Everett Cheng, Studentin Data Science
- Elizabeth Siyi Duan, Student in Molecular Biology
- Saad Iqbal, Student in Criminal, Law, and Society
- Jerry Liu, Studentin Physics
- Maria Elena Mendoza, Student in Arts-Drama
- Nancy Odicho, Student in Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Zachary Rideaux, student in Computer Science
- Megan Linos, Director of Digital and Online Teaching (DOT)
- Kailey Baez, Instructional Designer
- Jennifer Foung, Instructional Designer
- ShuFen Tsai, Instructional Designer
- Daphne Zhou, Instructional Designer