Previous Pedagogical Scholars and Teaching Assistant Consultants
This is a comprehensive list of all Pedagogical Scholars and Teaching Assistant Consultants that have participated in the program. The following table can be sorted by year, name, and department. In addition, feel free to use the search bar for specific queries.
Year | First Name | Last Name | Department |
2024 | Adrianna | Burton | Informatics |
2024 | Angeles Rubi | Castorena | Sociology |
2024 | Ashwin | Bajaj | Comparative Literature |
2024 | Carina Saiidi | Padilla | Spanish and Portuguese |
2024 | Chasia Elzina | Jeffries | Culture & Theory |
2024 | Emily | Parise | Drama |
2024 | Geidy | Mendez | Political Science |
2024 | Helena Garcia | Escudero | Physics and Astronomy |
2024 | Joseph | Hin Yan Lam | Education |
2024 | Julybeth | Murillo | Sociology |
2024 | Karma Rose | Zavita | Criminology, Law & Society |
2024 | Khirad | Siddiqui | Criminology, Law & Society |
2024 | Kimberly Grace | Dennin | Informatics |
2024 | MacKenzie | Bonner | Sociology |
2024 | Mahkameh | Rasouli | Nursing |
2024 | Maria Elizabeth | Massena | Spanish and Portuguese |
2024 | Michael | Huynh | Public Health |
2024 | Nahreen | Aref | Political Science |
2024 | Natasha India | Glendening | Public Health |
2024 | Shannon | Cotton | Nursing |
2024 | Shion | Fukuzawa | Computer Science |
2024 | Youngsun | Moon | Education |
2023 | Alisson | Rowland | Political Science |
2023 | Waverly | Tseng | Teaching, Learning, and Educational Improvement (TLEI) |
2023 | McKenna | Middleton | Spanish & Portuguese |
2023 | Calvin | Trinh | Microbiology and Biochemistry |
2023 | Devin | Wilson | Art |
2023 | Mary | Isaac | Political Science |
2023 | Caroline | Martinez | Sociology |
2023 | Boyun | Kim | Political Science |
2023 | Ainsley | May | LPS |
2023 | Dana | Conlin | Education |
2023 | Semassa | Boko | Sociology |
2023 | Doreen | Hii | Cognitive Science |
2023 | Matthew | Dees | Computer Science |
2023 | Katelyn | Kelly | Political Science |
2023 | Lina | Carpenter | Education |
2023 | Jordan | Grasso | Criminology, Law, and Society |
2023 | Mutsumi | Ogaki | Social Ecology |
2023 | Claire | Freimark | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology |
2023 | Caitlin | Callaghan | Mechanical and aerospace Engineering |
2023 | Jyotsana | Kala | Economics |
2022 | Alex | Maresca | Sociology |
2022 | Arman | Azedi | Sociology |
2022 | Alexandria | Ryahl | Art |
2022 | Bryant | Jackson-Green | Sociol Ecology/Law |
2022 | Colette | Brown | Psychological Science |
2022 | Daniel | Frishberg | Computer Science |
2022 | Daniela | Alvarez-Vargas | Education |
2022 | Derek Kuan-Yu | Hu | Biomedical Engineering |
2022 | Edward | Batres | Comparative Literature |
2022 | Elena | Dominguez | Neurobiology and Behavior |
2022 | Emily Babette | Gross | Studio Art |
2022 | Isabella Vergara | Calderon | Spanish and Portuguese |
2022 | Jeffrey | Coon | Cognitive Sciences |
2022 | Juan Roberto | Sandoval | Criminology, Law & Society |
2022 | Lora | Cawelti | Education |
2022 | Louise | McCune | English |
2022 | Megan | Cole | English |
2022 | Melinda | Franke | Spanish and Portuguese |
2022 | Melisa | Perut | Political Science |
2022 | Nazim Uras | Demir | Political Science |
2022 | Nathan | Allison | English |
2022 | Peiyi | Wang | Psychological Science |
2022 | Rozhin | Yasaei | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science |
2022 | Talin | Abadian | Drama |
2022 | Will | Lee | Education |
2022 | Xinyu Cindy | Li | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology |
2021 | Jean-Louis | Bru | Molecular Biology and Biochemistry |
2021 | Morgan | Coburn | Neurobiology and Behavior |
2021 | Melissa | Dahlin | Education |
2021 | Angeline | Dukes | Neurobiology and Behavior |
2021 | Bryan | FitzGerald | Political Science |
2021 | Michelle Kim | Gardner | Political Science |
2021 | Navjyot | Gill | Criminology, Law and Society |
2021 | James | Griffin | Chemistry |
2021 | Emma | Grisham | Psychological Science |
2021 | Ashley | Hernandez | Urban Planning and Public Policy |
2021 | Alejandra | Hormaza Mejia | Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering |
2021 | Misbah | Hyder | Education |
2021 | Scott | Jung | Anthropology |
2021 | Chihchia Jocelyn | Lai | Psychological Science |
2021 | Qianru | Li | Drama |
2021 | Noemi | Linares-Ramirez | Sociology |
2021 | Undraa | Maamuujav | Education |
2021 | Katelyn | Malae | Sociology |
2021 | Jacqueline | Martinez Cerna | Spanish & Portuguese |
2021 | Anannya | Mukherjee | Comparative Literature |
2021 | Deanna | Myers | Chemistry |
2021 | Kaitlyn | Rabach | Anthropology |
2021 | Racine | Rangel | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology |
2021 | Dylan | Reinsdorf | Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering |
2021 | Bianca | Rubalcava | Political Science |
2021 | Emily | Slonecker | Psychological Science |
2021 | Veronica | Swanson | Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering |
2021 | Jeanie | Toscano | Spanish & Portuguese |
2021 | Franziska | Tsufim | English |
2021 | Nayib Rene | Zamarripa | Economics |
2020 | Ian | Baran | Urban Planning and Public Policy |
2020 | Jacob | Baumgartner | English |
2020 | Teh- Way David | Chen | Psychological Science |
2020 | David | Clausen | Mathematics |
2020 | Rose | Ducharme | Comparative Literature |
2020 | Theresa | Duong | Population Health and Disease Prevention |
2020 | Samantha | Garcia | Population Health and Disease Prevention |
2020 | Hayley | Glicker | Chemistry |
2020 | Ivy | Guild | Studio Art |
2020 | Ashley | Harlow | Education |
2020 | Jonathan | Hasselmann | Neurobiology and Behavior |
2020 | Mustafa | Hussain | Informatics |
2020 | Martin | Jacinto | Sociology |
2020 | Emily | Kan | Psychological Science |
2020 | Jessica | Kelz | Chemistry |
2020 | Betty | Lai | Biological Chemistry |
2020 | Helen | Meskhidze | Logic and Philosophy of Science |
2020 | Jasmine | Naik | Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering |
2020 | Nea | North | Management |
2020 | Gilberto | Nunez | Spanish and Portuguese |
2020 | Alma | Olaguez | Psychological Science |
2020 | Emily | Sanders | Chemistry |
2020 | Steven | Schmidt | Sociology |
2020 | Andra Ionescu | Tucker | Neurobiology and Behavior |
2019 | Daniel | Bergman | Mathematics |
2019 | Colin | Bernatzky | Sociology |
2019 | Clare Gordon | Bettencourt | History |
2019 | Calvin | Cochran | Mathematical Behavioral Sciences |
2019 | Thomas | Colclough | Logic and Philosophy of Science |
2019 | Kyle | David | History |
2019 | Charlette | Grigorian | Chemical Engineering and Materials Science |
2019 | Joanna | Hong | Psychological Science |
2019 | William | Howitz | Chemistry |
2019 | Mariana | Junqueira | Urban Planning and Public Policy |
2019 | Emily | Kane | Earth System Science |
2019 | Jessica | Kang | Sociology |
2019 | Samuel | Kelso | Philosophy |
2019 | Greg | Lauro | Logic and Philosophy of Science |
2019 | Aydin | Mohseni | Logic and Philosophy of Science |
2019 | Yao | Pei | German |
2019 | Ellen | Schafer | Art |
2019 | Anna | Setyaeva | Political Science |
2019 | Alexander | Sutherland | Mathematics |
2019 | Darby | Vickers | Philosophy |
2019 | Jessica | Wang | Earth System Science |
2019 | Mackenzie | Weeks Mahoney | English |
2019 | Taffeta | Wood | Education |
2018 | Tatiana | Bradley | Computer Science |
2018 | Megan | Brooker | Sociology |
2018 | Araceli | Calderon | Spanish & Portuguese |
2018 | Christina | Chao | Cognitive Sciences |
2018 | Kathryn | Cox | Anthropology |
2018 | Cristina | De Haro Alonso | Paul Merage School of Business |
2018 | Katherine | Evans | Mathematics |
2018 | Deano | Farinella | Physics & Astronomy |
2018 | Daniel | Gardner | Informatics |
2018 | Chris | Gibson | Sociology |
2018 | Linda | Gruen | Spanish & Portuguese |
2018 | Andrea | Hoff | Urban Planning and Public Policy |
2018 | Ashley | Hooper | Urban Planning and Public Policy |
2018 | John | Hunter | Psychological Science |
2018 | Paul | Jackson | Economics |
2018 | Samantha | Leigh | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology |
2018 | Neak | Loucks | Anthropology |
2018 | Bemmy | Maharramli | Urban Planning and Public Policy |
2018 | Kate | McKnelly | Chemistry |
2018 | Michael | Morris | Chemistry |
2018 | Ali | Morshedifard | Civil and Environmental Engineering |
2018 | Dylan | Popowicz | Philosophy |
2018 | Anandi | Rao | Comparative Literature |
2018 | Megan | Ringel | Psychology and Social Behavior |
2018 | Jacob | Rode | Psychology and Social Behavior |
2018 | Rachel | Smith | Biomedical Engineering |
2018 | Karolyn | Stewart | Sociology |
2018 | Kelly | Ward | Sociology |
2018 | Edward | Watson | Sociology |
2018 | Alden | Wood | English |
2017 | Jordan | Balaban | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology |
2017 | Galia | Bar-Server | Cognitive Science |
2017 | Alex | Bower | Cognitive Science |
2017 | Taiji | Chen | Mathematics |
2017 | Tera | Dornfield | Public Planning & Development |
2017 | Diego | Fernandez | Spanish & Portuguese |
2017 | Ethan | Galebach | Logic & Philosophy |
2017 | Georgia | Halkia | Public Health |
2017 | Tien Thuy | Ho | Education |
2017 | Vanessa | Kauffman | Sociology |
2017 | Kameran | Kolahi | Mathematics |
2017 | Henry | Lem | East Asian Languages |
2017 | Amy | Magnus | Criminology, Law & Society |
2017 | Michael | Mahoney | English |
2017 | Adam | Maley | Chemistry |
2017 | Mary Anne | Mendoza | Political Science |
2017 | Kaitlyn Alvarez | Noli | Public Planning & Development |
2017 | Ali | Olomi | History |
2017 | Miranda | Pfeiffer | Arts-Studio Arts |
2017 | Nicole | Shortt | Sociology |
2017 | Aubrey | Slaughter | Informatics |
2017 | Zachary | Thammavongsy | Chemistry |
2017 | Yilin | Wang | Chemistry |
2017 | Michael | Wood | Earth System Science |
2016 | Emily | Abbott | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology |
2016 | Duygu | Akdevelioglu | Business & Economics |
2016 | Peter | Beattie | Political Science |
2016 | Christopher | Bobier | Philosophy + Logic & Philosophy of Mathematics |
2016 | Dail | Chapman | Developmental & Cell Biology |
2016 | Nicole | Crenshaw | Information and Computer Science + Informatics |
2016 | Laurie | Dickmeyer | History + Classics |
2016 | Santiago | Guisasola | Mathematics & Behavioral Science |
2016 | Peter | Hanink | Criminology, Law & Society |
2016 | Heather | Karner | Developmental & Cell Biology |
2016 | Grace | Lin | Education |
2016 | Timmy | Ma | Mathematics |
2016 | Matthew | Mahavongtrakul | Neurobiology & Behavior |
2016 | Eric | Novitsky | Chemistry |
2016 | Julia | Overman | Neurobiology & Behavior |
2016 | Jason | Palmer | Anthropology |
2016 | Tyson | Patros | Sociology |
2016 | Seyed Amirhossein (Amir) | Saeidi | Chemical Engineering and Materials Science |
2016 | Mikaela | Smith | Sociology |
2016 | Christopher | Stoughton | Political Science |
2016 | Yuki | Takahashi | Mathematics |
2016 | Mindy | Tauberg | Anthropology |
2016 | Emily | Urban | Psychology & Social Behavior |
2016 | Kerrianne | Wilson | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology |
2015-2016 | Kristine | Arquero | Chemistry |
2015-2016 | Mariam | Ashtiani | Sociology |
2015-2016 | Analaura | Brophy | Spanish & Portuguese |
2015-2016 | Simona | Capisani | Philosophy |
2015-2016 | Caitlin | Cavanagh | Psychology & Social Behavior |
2015-2016 | Michelle Ka Yun | Chan | Program in Nursing Science |
2015-2016 | Minhan | Dinh | Neurobiology & Behavior |
2015-2016 | Susan | Duncan | Cognitive Science |
2015-2016 | Dominique | Ingato | Chemical Engineering and Materials Science |
2015-2016 | Karen | Jallatyan | Comparative Literature |
2015-2016 | Brandy | Jenner | Educational Policy & Social Context |
2015-2016 | Jessica | Kizer | Sociology |
2015-2016 | Andrea | Milne | History |
2015-2016 | Janice | Phung | Psychology & Social Behavior |
2015-2016 | Manuel | Ramirez | Developmental & Cell Biology |
2015-2016 | Ankita | Raturi | Informatics-Software Engineering |
2015-2016 | Jaime | Roots | European Languages and Studies |
2015-2016 | Ryan | Sauchelli | Political Science |
2015-2016 | Mary | Schmitt | Visual Studies |
2015-2016 | Gregory | Suryn | Chemistry |
2015-2016 | Katie | Turner | Drama |
2015-2016 | Andre | White | Neurobiology & Behavior |
2014-2015 | Leesa | Anzaldo | Math |
2014-2015 | LuAnna | Dobson | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology |
2014-2015 | Adam | Dunbar | Criminology, Law & Society |
2014-2015 | Katelyn | Finley | Political Science |
2014-2015 | Katelyn | Gallagher | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology |
2014-2015 | Gianmarc | Grazioli | Chemistry |
2014-2015 | Lauren | Javier | Neurobiology & Behavior |
2014-2015 | Deanna | Kashani | Visual Studies |
2014-2015 | Jason | Kramer | Statistics |
2014-2015 | John | McCollum | Sociology |
2014-2015 | Diana | Mullins | Education |
2014-2015 | Robert | Nyenhuis | Political Science |
2014-2015 | Nick | Petersen | Criminology, Law & Society |
2014-2015 | Anne | Rendeiro | Nursing |
2014-2015 | Tanya | Sanabria | Sociology |
2014-2015 | Daniel | Siakel | Philosophy |
2014-2015 | Gidget | Tay | Chemistry |
2014-2015 | Andrew | Thomas | Math |
2014-2015 | Brandilynn | Villareal | Psychology & Social Behavior |
2013-2014 | Cristian | Aguilar | Developmental & Cell Biology |
2013-2014 | Mark | Bloxsom | Economics |
2013-2014 | Ken | Chaiprasert | Political Science |
2013-2014 | Adam | Ghazi-Tehrani | Criminology, Law & Society |
2013-2014 | Pauline | Lubens | Public Health |
2013-2014 | Mark | Makin | Philosophy |
2013-2014 | Lauren | Meincke | Visual Studies |
2013-2014 | Shawn | Miller | Chemistry |
2013-2014 | Davoud | Mozhdehi | Chemistry |
2013-2014 | Becky | Nichols | Psychology & Social Behavior |
2013-2014 | Cynthia | Northrup | Math |
2013-2014 | Jon | Paretsky | Chemistry |
2013-2014 | Anne | Phan | Developmental & Cell Biology |
2013-2014 | Omid | Rohani | Biomedical Engineering |
2013-2014 | Annessa | Stagner | History |
2013-2014 | Hang | Wang | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science |
2013-2014 | Cathery | Yeh | Education |
2013-2014 | Anaid | Yerena | Public Planning & Development |
2012-2013 | Edelina | Burciaga | Education |
2012-2013 | Patrick | Button | Economics |
2012-2013 | Weiwei | Chen | Engineering |
2012-2013 | Eric | Hennigan | Computer Science |
2012-2013 | Kristin | Keating | Arts |
2012-2013 | Victoria | Lowerson | Public Planning & Development |
2012-2013 | Danny | Mann | Cognitive Science |
2012-2013 | Nicole | Matthews | Psychology & Social Behavior |
2012-2013 | Ali | Meghdadi | Comparative Literature |
2012-2013 | May | Mei | Mathematics |
2012-2013 | Sierra | Powell | Political Science |
2012-2013 | Elizabeth | Swift | Chemistry |
2012-2013 | Alex | Wagner | Chemistry |
2012-2013 | Philip | Walsh | Philosophy |
2011-2012 | Patrice | Amon | Drama |
2011-2012 | Jimmie | Bany | Sociology |
2011-2012 | Jeb | Bates | Chemistry |
2011-2012 | Robert | Campbell | Mathematics |
2011-2012 | Kim | Feig | Culture and Theory |
2011-2012 | Dan | Flynn | Education |
2011-2012 | Sarah | Hernandez | Civil Engineering |
2011-2012 | Briana | Hinga | Education |
2011-2012 | Jennifer | Kosakowski | Culture and Theory |
2011-2012 | Brittany | Liu | Psychology & Social Behavior |
2011-2012 | Bennett | McNulty | Logic & Philosophy |
2011-2012 | Bryan | Nelle | Political Science |
2011-2012 | Joel | Ross | Informatics |
2011-2012 | Elizabeth | Rush | Psychology & Social Behavior |
2011-2012 | Tadj | Schreck | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology |
2011-2012 | Buck | Taylor | Chemistry |
2010-2011 | Alejandra | Albarran | Education |
2010-2011 | Akhila | Ananth | Criminology, Law & Society |
2010-2011 | Kimberly | Beil | Art History |
2010-2011 | Svetlana | Bershadsky | Psychology & Social Behavior |
2010-2011 | Katie | Dingeman | Sociology |
2010-2011 | Sonja | Djuricin | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology |
2010-2011 | Caitlin | Fouratt | Anthropology |
2010-2011 | Louise | Kleszyk | Philosophy |
2010-2011 | Sonja | Lind | Education |
2010-2011 | Jennifer | Lindsay | Cognitive Science |
2010-2011 | Dhonam | Pemba | Biomedical Engineering |
2010-2011 | Ryan | Schutte | Anatomy & Neurobiology |
2010-2011 | Arden | Stern | Art History |
2010-2011 | Marie | Van Staveren | Chemistry |
2010-2011 | Tim | Wong | Comparative Literature |
2009-2010 | Azadeh | Alipour | Civil & Environmental Engineering |
2009-2010 | Alexia | Cooper | Psychology & Social Behavior |
2009-2010 | Geoffrey | Cox | Math |
2009-2010 | Julie | Cridland | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology |
2009-2010 | April | Friges | Studio Art |
2009-2010 | Christine | Goedhart | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology |
2009-2010 | Benjamin | Mis | Cognitive Science |
2009-2010 | Kathryn | Quick | Policy, Planning, & Design |
2009-2010 | Hanoz | Santoke | CEE |
2009-2010 | Jason | Sheley | Philosophy |
2009-2010 | Adam | Sheppard | Education |
2009-2010 | Robert | Werth | Criminology, Law & Society |
2009-2010 | Kristina | Winbladh | Informatics |
2009-2010 | Ala' | Khalifeh | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science |
2008-2009 | Ray | Anderson | Earth System Science |
2008-2009 | Christina | Conroy | Logic & Philosophy of Science |
2008-2009 | Tran | Dang | Education |
2008-2009 | Stefanie | Drew | Cognitive Science |
2008-2009 | Burcak | Ertimur | Marketing |
2008-2009 | Kate | Henne | Criminology, Law & Society |
2008-2009 | Aaron | Hipp | Social Ecology |
2008-2009 | Erin | Kent | Epidemiology |
2008-2009 | Sara | Lorenz | Chemistry |
2008-2009 | Heather | McGray | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology |
2008-2009 | Erin | Moran | Anthropology |
2008-2009 | Megan | Thiele | Sociology |
2008-2009 | Lien | Vu | Anthropology |
2008-2009 | Peter | Westmoreland | Philosophy |
2008-2009 | Zacharay | Woydziak | Chemistry |
2007-2008 | Tara | Hardinge | Sociology |
2007-2008 | Kevin | Olson | Chemical Engineering and Materials Science |
2007-2008 | Diana | Pan | Sociology |
2007-2008 | Kiron | Ravindran | Information and Computer Science |
2007-2008 | Gunar | Schirner | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science |
2007-2008 | Rita | Shah | Criminology, Law & Society |
2006-2007 | Zahra | Ahmed | Political Science |
2006-2007 | Rebecca | Aicher | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology |
2006-2007 | Renee | Ellis | Education |
2006-2007 | Natalie | Eppelsheimer | German |
2006-2007 | Christie | Gardiner | Criminology, Law & Society |
2006-2007 | Michael | Harrison | Spanish & Portuguese |
2006-2007 | Renee | Link | Chemistry |
2006-2007 | Cathie | Overstreet | Molecular Bio, Biochem & Genetics |
2006-2007 | Lori | Ziolkowski | Earth System Science |
2005-2006 | Hannah | Aoyagi | Environmental Health & Social Policy |
2005-2006 | Ginger | Hill | Visual Studies |
2005-2006 | Melissa | Matteau | History |
2005-2006 | Kelly | Pollack | Environmental Health & Social Policy |
2005-2006 | Becki | Scola | Political Science |
2005-2006 | Nick | Sinigaglia | Philosophy |
2005-2006 | Dianna | Townsend | Education |
2005-2006 | Lisa | Tucker | Studio Art |
2005-2006 | Carla | Valenzuela | Logic & Philosophy of Science |
2005-2006 | Xiaoping | Wei | Information and Computer Science |
2005-2006 | Kassia | Wosick-Correa | Sociology |
2005-2006 | Kristen | Young | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology |
2004-2005 | Carrie | Brindle | Physics |
2004-2005 | Thomas | Doyle | Philosophy |
2004-2005 | Eva | Friedberg | Film Studies |
2004-2005 | Sarah | Kimball | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology |
2004-2005 | Myesa | Knox | Criminology, Law & Society |
2004-2005 | Jennifer | Mertens | East Asian Languages & Literatures |
2004-2005 | Matthew | Mooney | History |
2004-2005 | Janaki | Parikh | Anthropology |
2004-2005 | Penny | Workman | Chemistry |
2003-2004 | Akiko Allison | Gotoh | Chemistry |
2003-2004 | Jeffrey David | Heeren | History |
2003-2004 | Mariana | Mondragon | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology |
2003-2004 | Sameer | Patil | Information and Computer Science |
2003-2004 | Casandra Lynn | Rauser | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology |
2003-2004 | Everardo Juan | Stanton | History |
2002-2003 | Jennifer | Bierich | German |
2002-2003 | Ulrik | Christensen | Information and Computer Science |
2002-2003 | Peter | Dillon | Chemical Engineering and Materials Science |
2002-2003 | David | Faught | Spanish & Portuguese |
2002-2003 | Lee | Franklin | Political Science |
2002-2003 | Brandy | Griffin | Political Science |
2002-2003 | Riju | Lavanya | Civil & Environmental Engineering |
2002-2003 | Fabio | Leite | Mathematics & Behavioral Science |
2002-2003 | Jorie | Lozano | Psychology & Social Behavior |
2002-2003 | Lindsey | Lupo | Political Science |
2002-2003 | Andrew | McMillan | Earth System Science |
2002-2003 | Amanda | Orenstein | Molecular Biology & Biochemistry |
2002-2003 | Molly | Patterson | Political Science |
2002-2003 | Gretel | Png | Electrical Engineering |
2002-2003 | Melissa | Sanchez | English |
2002-2003 | Alex | Santana | Philosophy |
2002-2003 | Dilek | Sanver-Wang | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology |
2002-2003 | Ev | Stanton | History |
2002-2003 | Larisa | Tokmakoff | English & Comparative Literature |
2002-2003 | Carrie | Wu | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology |
2002-2003 | June | Yang | Philosophy |
2002-2003 | Laura | Zettel | Social Ecology |
2001-2002 | Kory | Ching | IRC-Instructional Development Assoc. |
2000-2001 | Cynthia | Ching | IRC-Instructional Development Assoc. |
2000-2001 | karen | Dalzell | Anthropology |
2000-2001 | Jason | Ford | Philosophy |
2000-2001 | Ted | Gaulin | Political Science |
2000-2001 | Kathy | Ham-Rowbottom | Social Ecology |
2000-2001 | Matthew | Hart | Chemistry |
2000-2001 | Michael | Householder | English & Comparative Literature |
2000-2001 | Eammon | Keogh | Information and Computer Science |
2000-2001 | Susan | Morse | German |
2000-2001 | Helen | Oesterheld | English & Comparative Literature |
2000-2001 | Jennifer | Pawlitschek | Drama |
2000-2001 | Michele | Persico | Earth System Science |
2000-2001 | Kelly | Redeker | Earth System Science |
2000-2001 | Mara | Williams | Molecular Biology & Biochemistry |
1999-2000 | Brian | Carver | Philosophy |
1999-2000 | Carrie | Etter | English & Comparative Literature |
1999-2000 | Daniel | Gilden | Spanish & Portuguese |
1999-2000 | Richard | House | English & Comparative Literature |
1999-2000 | Celine | Jacquemin | Political Science |
1999-2000 | Scott | James | Civil & Environmental Engineering |
1999-2000 | Amy | Lyons | History |
1999-2000 | Howard | Medina | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology |
1999-2000 | Elizabeth | Rayfield | Art History |
1999-2000 | Magda | Tarnawska | German |
1998-1999 | Cornelia | Biermeier | German |
1998-1999 | Kory | Ching | English & Comparative Literature |
1998-1999 | David | Cunning | Philosophy |
1998-1999 | Vivian | Deno | History |
1998-1999 | Samsl | Ensari | Chemical Engineering |
1998-1999 | Juliana | Fuqua | Social Ecology |
1998-1999 | Angelica | Huizar | Spanish & Portuguese |
1998-1999 | Naomi | Mandel | English & Comparative Literature |
1998-1999 | Bryan | Rourke | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology |
1997-1998 | Janel | Albers | Psychology & Social Behavior |
1997-1998 | Geeta | Govindarajoo | Chemistry |
1997-1998 | Jennifer | Heung | Anthropology |
1997-1998 | Dave | McCue | IRC Computer Wizard |
1997-1998 | Mark | Mullen | English |
1997-1998 | Jeff | Phillips | Physics & Astronomy |
1997-1998 | Beverly | Redman | Directing/Drama |
1997-1998 | Stephanie | Reyes-Bell | History |
1997-1998 | Alice | Sowaal | Philosophy |
1997-1998 | Robert | Stockwell | Politics & Society |
1997-1998 | Krista | Twu | English & Comparative Literature |
1996-1997 | Gary | Bell | Philosophy |
1996-1997 | Allaine | Cerwonka | SST |
1996-1997 | Daniel | Demarco | Arts |
1996-1997 | Lara Annette | Ferry-Graham | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology |
1996-1997 | Harald | Hobusch | Faculty "TAC" |
1996-1997 | Justeen | Hyde | Anthropology |
1996-1997 | Erika | Nanes | English |
1996-1997 | Santosh | Shahi | Civil Engineering |
1995-1996 | Carolyn | Austin | English |
1995-1996 | Jessica | Irish | Studio Art |
1995-1996 | Dennis | Kortheuer | History |
1995-1996 | David | Nevell | Drama |
1995-1996 | Larry | Nolan | Philosophy |
1995-1996 | Linda | Schechinger | Chemistry |
1995-1996 | Margaret | Smith | Classics |
1995-1996 | Luke | Thelen | Social Ecology |
1994-1995 | Michael | Artinger | Developmental & Cell Biology |
1994-1995 | Rudi | Berkelhamer | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology |
1994-1995 | Allison Joy | Conley | Chemistry |
1994-1995 | Romana | Crnkovic | Physics |
1994-1995 | Kristen Hill | Maher | Social Sciences |
1994-1995 | Yoshi Irene | Makino | Studio Art |
1994-1995 | Laura | Mulrenan | Drama |
1994-1995 | Beverly Ann | Sandeen | Social Ecology |
1994-1995 | Lisa | Wallace | English |
1993-1994 | Amelia | Eisch | Psychobiology |
1993-1994 | Lia | Hotchkiss | English |
1993-1994 | Gary | Krupnick | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology |
1993-1994 | Elizabeth | Mason | Developmental & Cell Biology |
1993-1994 | Margaret | Morgan | Studio Art |
1993-1994 | Melissa | Nickle | History |
1993-1994 | David | Nielson | Spanish & Portuguese |
1993-1994 | Joanna | Norman | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology |
1993-1994 | Todd | Pickett | English |
1993-1994 | Alan | Schack | Drama |
1993-1994 | Rochelle | Tractenberg | Cognitive Science |
1992-1993 | Michael | Buratovich | Developmental & Cell Biology |
1992-1993 | Vivian | Hamilton | Social Ecology |
1992-1993 | Shandy | Hauk | Math |
1992-1993 | Michael | Mooney | Civil Engineering |
1992-1993 | Lex | Newman | Philosophy |
1992-1993 | Greg | Pott | Molecular Biology & Biochemistry |
1992-1993 | Neal | Reed | Chemistry |
1992-1993 | Alan | Thornhill | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology |
1992-1993 | Tim | Watkins | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology |
1992-1993 | Karl | Yee | Physics |
1992-1993 | Ed | Zoerner | Linguistics |
1991-1992 | Alex | Burckin | History |
1991-1992 | Paul | Green | Philosophy |
1991-1992 | Mimi | McGurl | Drama |
1991-1992 | Michael | Rydzynski | Music |
1991-1992 | Datta | Shoibal | Molecular Biology & Biochemistry |
1991-1992 | Jon | Sidoli | Drama |
1991-1992 | Lynn | Stauffer | Information and Computer Science |
1991-1992 | Erica | Suchman | Molecular Biology & Biochemistry |
1991-1992 | Frank | Towers | History |
1991-1992 | Lynn | Watson | Drama |
1991-1992 | Carla | Yland | Civil Engineering |
1990-1991 | Wadjl | Abou-Izzedine* | Civil Engineering |
1990-1991 | Frank | Afflitto | Social Ecology |
1990-1991 | Cathleen | Armstead | Social Relations |
1990-1991 | Diane | Cunningham | Economics |
1990-1991 | Terry | Hayamizu | Developmental & Cell Biology |
1990-1991 | Jeffrey | Kaufmann | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology |
1990-1991 | Mary | Lemmenes | Philosophy |
1990-1991 | Michael | Mesches | Psychobiology |
1990-1991 | Patrick | Nellis | Politics & Society |
1990-1991 | Jacqualine | Pagani | Dance |
1990-1991 | Darci | Strother | Spanish & Portuguese |
1990-1991 | Katherine | Turley* | History |
1989-1990 | Karen | Gallagher | Guest-German |
1989-1990 | Maria | Maggi | |
1989-1990 | Louisa | Moon | Philosophy |
1989-1990 | Davy | Nyirenda | |
1989-1990 | Myra | Radlow | Logic & Philosophy of Science |
1989-1990 | Alex | Zukas | History/Humanities |